Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Fun!


Art in the eye of a needle... Okay....


Would you stay in a hotel that was built out if an airplane?


I live this video.... Exploring Paris...

If you love Jennifer Lawrence as much as I do check this... If you don't... I don't want to hear about it.

Speaking of women I love.... The dream team Tina and Amy... Here...

Katy Perry is Paula Deen....

I laughed for days when I first saw this... My friend reminded me about it and I laughed just as hard... Ha ha I love it!

This is what our Easter eggs will look like... So help me....

Speaking of eggs... A sunshine egg mould...


This is just brilliant...

Have you ever wondered how a key works? First time I saw it it blew my mind... I had no idea...

Happy Friday!



  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm peeing my pants at Tina & Amy!!! I love them! Hilarious! I could watch those clips over and over and

  2. This post was CHOCK full of happiness.

    Love the batteries, Olive in Paris, Tina and Amy. ALL OF IT! :)

  3. Yes Linds. Yes. Each one of these little nuggets just affirms why we are friends.
