Thursday, August 11, 2011

A-Frame Pup Tents

Drew really pulled out the big guns on this one... I asked him to build some A-Frame tents... Or pup tents... I don't know... We found some online, but didn't like them 100%. We wanted them to collapse, and be made mostly out of wood...

Let's say he nailed it... We started off at WalMart buying twin flat sheet... Only $5, and I think these sheets go on sale sometimes.

Then it was off to Home (Away From Home) Depot...The sheets measure at 96"X66".*** Directions are what I remember from when we worked on it... make sure you measure for yourself before making cuts... Aka... think about what you're doing... We made it up as we went so this is more of a suggested way to do it rather then a template....*** We bought fir strips, or 8 ft 1X2's and cut them in half for the A-Frame, and then at 60" for the bottom middle. We bought 3/4" PVC and cut them at 60", so we could fold the sheets over and staple them to the wood so they wouldn't tear as easy. We also bought two 3/4" PVC end caps. Drew drilled 3/4" holes, two inches from the top for the PVC. **Wiggling the drill a bit to make the opening bigger for the 3/4" PVC to fit through, inside of PVC is 3/4" not outside, so making the hole a little bigger with the 3/4" bit helps it fit snug, but not too loose! I think if you use a bigger bit it will make the hole too big for the PVC and it won't fit snuggly into the hole, and the tent will collapse easier.
Drew cut the tops on 22 degrees, so that when opened the tops were a straight line, except for the one shown, I put those on backwards.... Oops! We left the bottoms flat, when the tents are opened the bottom is on an angle, but when collapsed and stored the bottom sits flush with the ground.

Drew drilled the bottom into the frame, wrapped the sheets over and stapled the fabric on the bottom... And voila! Insta Fun!

Later that night we painted we painted the insides of mason jars with Glow-in-the-Dark paint, for lanterns.

Huge hit... We just used the Crayola Glow-in-the-Dark paint, next time I'll look for paint that can be "recharged".


  1. you are awesome...will you come to my house and play with my kids?? and why don't you call me?

  2. Love this! Thanks.

  3. I am so doing this for my kids. They love building forts and have one of those Crazy Forts sets(is that what they're called?) but I find that the parts go missing and then I have to go for a mad hunt to find them. Kids love having a little place to crawn under so this is such a great idea. I love that they are collapsable and can be put away without taking apart.

  4. Completely amazing. What a great idea and such a straightforward tutorial! Thanks!

  5. Completely amazing. What a great idea and such a straightforward tutorial! Thanks!

  6. you must be THE coolest mom (and dad)! :)

  7. Your tents are adorable! I've got this linked to my play tents post too today, well done!

  8. Could you give a detailed list of what to buy for 1 tent only? I want to make several, but am confused by your list of supplies and how much I should buy of each item. Thanks so much!

    1. 3...1x4x8ft , 60 inch 3/4ths pvc pipe with caps , 8 drywall self tapping screws (they used 4 but id use 8) , one sheet , heavy duty staple gun , wood drill bit for 3/4ths hole

  9. Hi Lindsay,
    I am trying to make one of these for my kids. I drilled a 3/4" hole in the 1x2 but 3/4" pvc will not fit. The inside of the pvc is 3/4" not the outside. Do you know what I am doing wrong?

  10. Are you sure your PVC pipes were 3/4". We bought some yesterday and it is way too big! We are trying to make the tents for my son's birthday sleepover. Thanks

  11. Brilliant! These are great for easy to make..definitely a project in my future.

  12. These tents are great! I love how each child has their own. Way to go for making their movie night so fun!

  13. Love that (and I'm sure the kids do too)! But quick question... how do you keep the tent from opening completely flat? Is there a notch somewhere so it will stay up like that without falling flat on the kids?

  14. Love that (and I'm sure the kids do too)! But quick question... how do you keep the tent from opening completely flat? Is there a notch somewhere so it will stay up like that without falling flat on the kids?

  15. Just put this on my get it done list. My nieces would loveeeeeeee.

  16. Just put on my get it done list. I could do this and my nieces would loveeeeeeeeee.

  17. What a great idea! I use to love building cubby houses so this is way cool!

  18. Very cool!! We got all the parts today to make the tents for the kids for Valentine's Day. Although my husband was just checking, and he thinks the PVC needs to be 1/2". The 3/4" is too big! Any chance you meant 1/2"? Or are we missing something??

  19. Very cool!! We got the parts to make the tents for the kids for Valentine's Day today...only looks like the 3/4" PVC is too big for the board! Any chance you meant 1/2"?? Anyway, we are off to exchange the PVC tomorrow and hope to have all the tents done in time for Tuesday morning!!! Thanks for the great project!!

  20. This is so kewl. Sure wish I had this when my 4 were little. I need to pass it on to them for the grandkids. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Wow, thanks for all comments! Sorry for the late response, this was last summer, and all I can remember is what I wrote down, I'm sure googling a frame pup tents you can compare some other plans! Thanks!

  22. Just found this link through pinterest. This is so fantastic!! Thanks for sharing such a great idea!

  23. I made 4 of these last night - they are fantastic and my children LOVE them! We used 1/2" PVC pipe and drilled holes w/ a 7/8" bit. They fit perfect. The 3/4" PVC needs a 1 1/8" bit which is almost too big for the 1x2's. The frame is a touch "flimsy" and I'm worried the bolts at the bottom will rip out of the soft wood - I may add another "beam" across the middle or a few inches above the bottom. We love them. Fun & simple!! Thanks so much for the plans.

  24. Thanks so much for the inspiration here. I just finished a set of tents for our kids, with a few differences.

    For added strength and support, I used 1"x3"s, made the tents slightly shallower, and added a small chain to keep the tent from opening flat on top of a camper.

    I documented the whole process here: DIY Living Room Pup Tents.

  25. Thanks so much for the inspiration here. I just finished a set of tents for our kids, with a few differences.

    For added strength and support, I used 1"x3"s, made the tents slightly shallower, and added a small chain to keep the tent from opening flat on top of a camper.

    In case anyone is interested, I documented the whole process here: DIY Living Room Pup Tents.

  26. Terrible directions. Your measurements are off. 3/4 PVC pipe is 3/4 inside, not outside. You can't have the cross bar be 60" if the pipe is 60" also.

  27. @dubelclique! Glad you got some inspiration! As for you @nancy.... I never stated on here a how to diy... my husband and I figured this out as we went.... We didn't have instructions and figured it out ourselves.... Appears that others figured it out, without holding anyones hand.... as for the 3/4 pvc inside... we used a 3/4 bit and wiggled it around to increase the whole size... just another way to problem solve i guess... as for the 60".... i have no idea what you mean... if the cross bar is 60" isn't it just that.... 60"?

  28. LOVE LOVE LOVE! Those pup-tents. So bummed I can't share your creativity on Pinterest. That's where I know I can always come back to find my favorite things. Hopefully I will not "lose" you in my chaos now.
    Great job and thanks for the inspiration!

  29. So simple! I love the simplicity and your directions were so straightforward - like you said if you think about it you can do it whether measurements are accurate in your post or not! Thank you! I admit I'm going to peek at doubelclique as the chain to keep them from falling on a little one sounds like a good addition although your kids look older than mine so it probably isn't a big issue for you!


  30. This was GREAT! I'm doing this for sure!!

  31. My grandchildren would go crazy over this. Great idea thanks for sharing.

  32. Great idea, my grandchildren would love this. Thanks for the great idea.

  33. FYI.. you may have found it by now but rustoleum makes a glow in the dark paint, it comes in small cans but is rechargeable! I don't see why it wouldn't work for the mason jar lanterns, will definitely be doing this for my kids, thanks so much for sharing!!

  34. FYI rustoleum carries a glow in the dark paint, I know hd has it comes in small cans usually by the chalkboard paint, not sure about price but is rechargeable. I don't see why it wouldn't work for the mason jar lanterns. Thank you so much for sharing, I will definitely be making these for my kids!

  35. Love love loooooove! Thanks for sharing instructions! :)

  36. I love this! I am going to make a couple to put in my classroom for reading or sensory centers. Thanks!

  37. I love this! I will be making a couple for my classroom this year.

  38. Such a great tutorial. Thanks. I have a 10 month old so wont quite need it yet... but if she is anything like her aunt she will love to build forts... so this may be a great way to keep the mess somewhat contained lol. :)

  39. Oh and love the "lantern" idea. And thanks to Andrea for mentioning the Rustoleum, I had no idea where to get the rechargeable glow in in the dark paint. :)

  40. Great!! I'm doing this for my kids. Thanks for sharing.

  41. Just stopping by with congratulations! Your project was in the top 5 most popular posts for April (yes I'm way behind!) on Fun Family Crafts! Thanks for sharing your creativity and we hope you'll submit more. If you would like to see the post and grab a TOP 5 button, you can see it here Thanks!

  42. This is hecka cool!! too bad we live in a camper traveling the USA...but when we stop and set up shop in a brick and mortar hubby is SO doing this!

  43. I am SO doing this as a Christmas gift for my kids!! They always want to "camp out" and make a HUGE mess with 1,000 sheets and blankets ;) LOL

  44. we are making these this weekend, a set for our place and a set for grandma's! My mom loves having grandkids, but not the stuff that comes with them, so this is perfect!

  45. looks a smidge easier than the teepee but they both rock- will be following your blog- thanks

  46. Oh, what a great idea. Love that they'll be reusable each year. Thanks for providing the template!

    Wedding Tents | Wedding Tent

  47. Thank you so much for share this useful information!!

    Raj Tent |Raj Tents

  48. Superb images and nice information. Thank u for sharing!!!!!

    Wedding Tents

  49. These are good inspirations about PVC Sheets, thanks for sharing. It is greatly impressed on the post you have written. This post is a big help for me.

  50. what awonderful article about a wood made things. I Garden Tent am so impressed by reading your post.I will always follow it

  51. The technique you shared for making frame up mughal tents are really new and shack able theorem.

  52. Hello from The Crafty Collaborative!

    We are a new blog, comprised of a group of gals of all different skill levels testing out some of the best projects in the blogosphere!

    We have featured and reviewed your DIY on our blog! Your blog and specific post are linked back a minimum of 3 times in our post. We do not repost the instructions that we followed, but rather send our readers to your site to check them out! We made sure to note your lovely photo and provided a link back to your blog once again.

    You can see this post at:

    Thank you for sharing such a clever post! We enjoyed testing it out and will continue to promote this excellent work!

    The Crafty Collaborative

  53. Lindsey and Drew,

    I did not see in your directions, what you put on the bottom of the tent, to which you stapled the sheets. It looks as if you used a round dowel, or a square dowel. Can you answer that for me?

  54. A tent is a shelter consisting of sheets of fabric or other material draped over, attached to a frame of poles or attached to a supporting rope.
    Wedding Tents

  55. Thanks for this post! My hubby is off to the hardware store now to make a tent for my camping themed classroom! My third graders will LOVE this. Thanks for such direct instructions. :-)

  56. I know this is an older post, but I am now following from . Love the things you make for your kids!

  57. Love the tents… plan to make a couple for Thanksgiving. I had to read and reread your directions however. It helps if you just list how many of each size you cut etc. and then maybe use Step 1 etc. The long narrative is difficult to decipher.

  58. This is sooo cool! been looking for a fort or hideout for my 5 yr old, this actually looks like something I could make myself.:)

  59. Thanks for your idea! My hubby and I made a tent today for my classroom. I think my young students will love it and it will go so well with our school's "Camp-Out" theme.
