2009 went out with a bang! We sent out the old year and brought in the new with some sparklers.

And pots and pans! My mom was more excited then anyone! She makes me so happy! It's just not a party without her!

Then the next day we spender some much needed quality time with the St. George nephews at Chuck-e-Cheese! Where else?!

Indy and Ocho, cruising in a monster truck.

Indy and Owen's licenses. I would have loved these when I was little. My sister and I were always making fake drivers licenses and credit cards to fill our fake purchases! Just preparing to be the professional shoppers we are now.


Ocho redeeming his 93 tickets!

Indy with his 85, don't you worry he later found 17 in his pocket! Score!

Cute boys.

Then we played with the whole family at Redd's baptism! Ita great to be 8!

And yes only half of my siblings have had children! Good grief! ;)
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