Monday, September 6, 2010

Birthday Festivities!

We... Well I like to celebrate birthdays everyday of the month up until the actual day. Drew isn't so much in love with planning that many activities, so I took the reins this year. Drew promised any activity I asked for we could do. And Drewpy being the guy he is has pulled off some fun car ride adventures.

My activities have been craft oriented. I have... Apparently... The bottomless silver spray paint can, so anything that stands still long enough here gets a quick coat. Here is my redd chalk board, redone.

My gold mirror is now silver. I have wanted to hang stuff on the walls, I have just not had the vision for what I want. Hopefully it all comes together.

So I had an idea for some cheap artwork. I love this photo, and I was playing around with an iPhone app called sketch me. And created this...

Well I decided for one birthday request I would make Drew drive me all over town to pick up a cheap canvas, paints and brushes. We came home and hooked up my phone to our projector, and I did a quick sketch of the outlines.

And here is my 18X24 art to hang on my wall! I love it! I won't point out all of my major flaws. We'll just consider them artistic inspiration! Haha it was a super fun project to work on with Drewpy! Happy birth month to me!!!


  1. Look at you go Mrs. Creative! So cute! Love the picture! Happy Birthday month to you too...Go September!

  2. wow, so impressed! can't wait to see it with my own 2 eyes. and what to get you for your birthday... i'll let you "take the reins" on that one...

  3. I love that picture of you two, super cute and such a good idea.

  4. So adorable, I might have to copy you (or just utilize your idea)!

  5. Linds, teach me how you come up with all this amazing stuff!!! P.s. Happy bday and let's get together asap so we can celebrate your big day! When can you double?
