Thursday, November 1, 2012


  1. “Without new experiences, something inside of us sleeps. The sleeper must awaken.”

    -Frank Herbert

You know you are headed for an adventure when there are signs like this.

I needed this trip. Like the quote above said, I needed something out of the ordinary. I get sick of seeing the same streets, sights etc. And this trip was just the thing I needed.

How cool is this? I was scared a sea lion was going to come up on the dock and knock me off. We were that close to them and the water. You should have heard my nephew honk (?) like a sea lion. Adorable.

I want to live here....

At one point in my life I want to live in a boat pulled up to this dock.


I was introduced to the wonder that is Sesame and Lilies. Within moments of walking into the store I had my arms full. And I loved the outside trim on this building.

Patina.... This place has charm and character oozing out of it....

Nutella, banana creeps on a blustery day. Yes please!

The beach was breathtaking.

Oh that quote is so true... The cure for anything is saltwater -sweat, tears or the sea. Isak Dinesen.

And then this beauty outside my sisters front door. She said this was a baby one. Oh boy.

  1. “Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca


  1. Oh my gosh, what is that? A snail? YUCK. Those are some beautiful pictures! I love the saltwater quote, how awesome.

  2. Beautiful pics! Glad you got out of Utah for a bit!
