Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oh What a Weekend!

To celebrate my dad's 42nd birthday we headed up to the cabin for a surprise party! We made it there just fine there was some snow on the road, but Drew's truck breezed through. Then Drew headed back down the hill to go pick up my some supplies from my sisters car that couldn't make it up the hill.
And this is how it all ended! Yikes Drew was driving down the hill and saw some kids sledding so he was going SUPER slow! But lost traction and slowly drifted off the road! Even the kids sledding couldn't believe how slow he was going and how slowly he drifted off the road.
Here are the boys surveying the damage.
Brad, Drew and Nick.
Attempting to pull out the truck! It was a vain attempt.

Just to prove how stuck he was.
Finally after 2 tow trucks this guy pulled him out! His huge truck almost tipped it was crazy! Thanks to everyone for helping!
We made it just in time to see my dad blow out his candles. Well the kids got to it first!
Then after all that fun, we headed home to find out our water heater pipe burst! Oh what a weekend!


  1. Wow, that's horrible. Great story though! And holy cow - Andrew looks SO skinny! He looks amazing! Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Hey, what's your address so I can mail you a Christmas card!!!

  3. Andrew, you look awesome! Sorry about your truck.

  4. oh crud! we've totally done that before. twice! worst feeling ever knowing that you have to pay $100 bucks to have some guy come tow you out! bummer!
