Christmas was/ is Amazing! We are just waiting in the theater waiting for Sherlock Holmes to start. (More on that later). Anyway we woke up early this morning anxious to exchange gifts! This is the first year we have done this! With the help of early Christmas money, selling puppies and Drew I got a road bike! I don't think anyone really understands how excited I am. It perfect it was the exact one I wanted. And the last one in my size. A Christmas miracle!

I am so in LOVE!!
Drew with the help of the same said money got a miter saw. And is smitten. Since we bought it he has said goodnight to it EVERY night.

Drew surprised me with this awesome projector! I love it, and can't wait to hook my phone up to it and other fun gadgety things!

A very blurry picture of the projector on our wall! You get the idea!

Then after opening stocking stuffers, and more we headed to my mom's again for a waffle breakfast.

Watching the grandkidlets opening their presents is so fun!

Lizzy and Sara Jane opening Polly Pockets. Kami couldn't be more excited!

And Cookie was surprised with a robo hamster from Mimi. Not a big fan of rodents, but these hybrid robos are pretty darn cute!

Yes we stayed all night and day in our onesies! Ugh... They are just too amazing!

Probably my favorite picture of the day. My mom was helping Hardy figure out his toy, and Sara Jane was crawling all over her. She just LOVES her Mimi. The best part was my mom didn't even notice.

Kami leading the White Elephant gift exchange.

Nick scored a sweet Chuck Norris shirt. I got a reindeer costume for my car. Amazing, and Drew scored some candy! Happy as a clam!

So now to wrap up the day we are going to see Sherlock Holmes. I can't wait Sherlock was one of my favorite books. On vacations my dad and I would find used book stores and I would pick a book. This is where I got my Sherlock Holmes books. Such great memories! Anyway Merry Christmas! Hope it was as amazing as ours!
Wow! Merry Christmas! I LOVE the onesies! Very stylish, and practical! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas!